ADA Compliance & Transition Plans

A man in a wheelchair at the top of steps with no way for him to get down them.

According to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) people with disabilities must have equal opportunity to participate in and benefit from programs, services and activities offered by state and local governments in an integrated manner. This applies to services offered directly and contracted by the public entity. To ensure program accessibility, public entities should perform a Self-Evaluation to identify structural and non-structural changes needed to remove barriers of access of individuals with disabilities which are documented in its Transition Plan.

Accessology can assist public entities in two ways:

Compliance Plan Development

This is a deep-dive into the programs, services, activities, events, and facilities of a public entity. The basic requirements for ADA are reviewed (ADA Coordinator, Public Notice, Non-Discrimination clause, etc.) as part of the Self-Assessment. During the Compliance Plan process, we are able to document what you have, what you have done to reach compliance, and determine what should be assessed during a full compliance review. At the end of our work, you have all the information necessary to develop the RFP for a full Transition Plan or you may choose to move directly into the development of the Transition Plan.

Transition Plan Development

The Transition Plan is a comprehensive listing of all necessary modifications of facilities, public rights-of-way, and programs to provide full program access for individuals with disabilities. This plan identifies physical barriers at each facility to be accessed by the public, provides barrier removal options, details the barrier removal schedule, and identifies the person responsible for barrier removal.

A key part of the development of a Transition Plan is Facility Assessments. Because work to assess hundreds of buildings may need to occur in a phased approach (for budget purposes), Accessology also assists public entities by conducting facility assessments following the latest standards to determine compliance. Individual reports including photos, regulations used (federal, state, and local), and cost estimate for barrier removal will be provided for each facility assessed. This work can occur as a stand alone activity or as part of the development of your full Transition Plan.

Accessology offers free Roundtable discussions to allow leaders to learn more about their requirements under the ADA and further explore options available to reach compliance. Reach out to schedule one and learn more today!

Services provided in 24 States and counting

And map of the United States with the states serviced in green
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