APWA PWX Conference

Date & Time

Aug 17, 2025 8:00 AM
Aug 20, 2025

About This Event

A park can be as small as a green space or as large as a theme park and accommodate a broad range of recreational and sports options. Regardless of its size or intended use, the park is required by law to be accessible to offer recreational opportunities for individuals with disabilities. This class is designed to assist participants in understanding how to make the many varieties of parks and trails compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Attendees will be provided many unique and little-known ways to make parks a delight for people with all types of disabilities.Case studies will be highlighted from communities that have successfully updated their parks and trails to be ADA compliant. Information will be shared regarding ADA approved construction designs and whether these projects were initiated due to a complaint, just being proactive, or as part of a renovation project. The unique challenges for each study will be presented as well as what was tried, what ultimately worked, and whether the project was handled in-house, outsourced, or both.Of course, park and trail renovations launch another set of challenges since many of these projects lead to new ADA considerations that can cause budgetary alarms to go off. This makes it difficult to prioritize the order of tackling projects when all seem the most important. This session will help you identify the low-hanging fruit when it comes to choosing where to begin and how to proceed with ADA compliance.