

Assessments from Accessology. “Our office was built in 1985. We’re grandfathered under ADA.” Right?… WRONG! Private sector facilities that are places of public accommodation have a continual barrier removal obligation, which is a far cry from the paternal protection of grandfathering. And for new construction? You’re expected to get it right the first time. Unfortunately, few do. Before you remove any potential barriers, you have to know what they are and that not all barriers are created equal.

Accessology is proud to offer professional facility assessments that assign High, Medium, and Low priority ratings to detected violations, the essence of our Prioritized Remediation Assessment System. We don’t just inspect a facility, we truly assess it.

For example, our report might advise you that replacing a severely sloped parking space should take remediation priority over a third floor non-compliant toilet room. Or that foliage protrusions along a path of travel are more likely to cause a complaint or lawsuit than minor slope issues at a facility entrance. Both may be barriers needing attention, however, due to associated risks, we may advise scheduling one barrier removal before another. Accessology is uniquely experienced to offer such specialized assistance, which is crucial to finalizing your transition plan providing a barrier-free environment.